Responsibly shaping the future

Our ESG roadmap for sustainable business

At Bharat Forge, we not only focus on technical progress and innovation, but also place a strong emphasis on sustainability. We firmly believe that companies have a responsibility. Towards the environment. Towards the communities in which we work. And towards our employees. Our sustainability strategy is based on the pillars of environmental, social and governance (ESG), which we are continuously developing and improving.

Ein lächelnder älterer Mann mit kurzen grauen Haaren und Brille trägt ein hellblaues Hemd unter einer grauen Weste. Er steht vor einem schlichten dunklen Hintergrund und strahlt die zeitlose Stärke aus, die Schmiedeteile in der Automobilindustrie ähneln.

“Bharat Forge has been addressing the topic of sustainability through the solutions we provide to our customers. Our efforts in light-weighting of products are contributing to lighter vehicles which are more fuel-efficient and more importantly consume less resources in manufacturing process.”

Mr. Baba N. Kalyani

More than just euphonious words

Our figures for the future

We can only achieve and realise our goals if we record our commitment in concrete figures. That is why we are committed to transparency in all areas of our sustainability initiatives. We document and publicise our progress and challenges in order to be accountable not only internally, but also to our stakeholders. This openness enables us to take responsibility for our decisions and ensure that our measures are actually effective.

Environment – Sustainability in action

Protecting our environment is a major task and responsibility to which we actively contribute. To ensure that our future generations have the same planet worth living on, we are looking for environmentally friendly solutions to continuously reduce our ecological footprint. We use innovative technologies and efficient processes to minimise our consumption of resources and are committed to the responsible use of energy and raw materials. Our commitment to environmental protection is also reflected in our strict waste management.

Unter einem klaren blauen Himmel steht eine große Industrieanlage mit mehreren hohen Metallkonstruktionen und Schornsteinen, die der Herstellung von Aluminium-Schmiedeteilen dienen. Sonnenlicht fällt durch das grüne Laub in der oberen linken Ecke und verleiht der Industrieszene ein natürliches Element.
Zwei Arbeiter in blauen Arbeitsuniformen und Schutzbrillen stehen nebeneinander in einer Fabrik. Einer hat den Arm um den anderen gelegt und beide lächeln. Sie sind von Maschinen umgeben, die mit der Herstellung von Schmiedeteilen beschäftigt sind.

Social – Strong together

At Bharat Forge, we create a working environment characterised by respect, fairness and equal opportunities. Through training programmes, employee development and occupational safety measures, we promote the well-being of our employees and strengthen their ties to the community. We are also actively involved in local community projects and support social initiatives in order to make a positive contribution to our society.

Governance - responsibility and integrity

Integrity and transparency are key components of our corporate culture. We are committed to responsible corporate governance based on clear principles, ethical standards and open dialogue with our stakeholders. Our governance structure ensures compliance with regulations and best practices and promotes responsible decision-making in the interests of our employees, customers and partners. Special priority is given to risk management, strict compliance with regulations, combating corruption and IT security.

Eine Frau steht und präsentiert drei Kollegen, die an einem Tisch sitzen, ESG-Daten (Environmental, Social and Governance) auf einem Fernsehbildschirm. Sie befinden sich in einem modernen, hellen Büro mit großen Fenstern, die einen Blick ins Grüne bieten. Dokumente auf dem Tisch geben Einblicke in Aluminium Schmiedeteile.

Our certificates

Innovation, integrity and sustainability are not just goals at Bharat Forge, but values that we live by. We emphasise this reality through our numerous certifications in the areas of environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG). Each one demonstrates our ongoing commitment to setting best practice in the industry and living up to our responsibilities. Find out more about the specific measures and achievements behind each certificate that further advance Bharat Forge in terms of sustainable corporate governance.

Bharat Forge Aluminum Technik

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Bharat Forge CDP

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Bharat Forge CDP Railsystems

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Bharat Forge Daun

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